Next Generation Entrepreneurs
Next Generation Entrepreneurs

Get Involved

BizGen_Round-1_Campus-Cab_03Teams & Coaches

Form a team. Teams consist of 2-20 students, all you need is an idea that can make an impact. The 2017 competition is limited to approximately 20 teams from the New England region.

Provide an abstract. Teams will provide a single page abstract of their business idea to BizGen. This should include the main idea and key steps needed to get the business started.

Participate in monthly coach/captain conference calls. On a monthly basis teams are invited to check in with BizGen via a conference call. These calls are to answer questions and connect with others.

Provide the idea overview. One week prior to competition teams will provide a maximum 10 page overview of the pitch they’ll give on May 25, 2017 at the UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics

Compete. Make your pitch. You’ll get 20 minutes and a stage. The rest is up to you. You’ll be judged by a panel of experts who’ve traveled a path similar to the one you’re embarking upon.

Deadlines.  Registration deadline is March 1, 2017.  One page abstract due April 1st, midnight.  Maximum 10 page outline of pitch due May 20th, midnight.  Competition is Thursday, May 25th, at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics in Durham, New Hampshire.

Get Started

Team Member Registration Form

Abstract Form

OnePageAbstract20171 word icon

BizGen_Round-1_Pitching_02Mentors and Judges

We’re looking for mentors who are interested in creating the next generation of entrepreneurs. Do you have skills that could help? We’re looking for a range of talented adults who will be matched to schools based on their ideas and alignment with your background.

You’ll be matched accordingly, and play an important part in the evolution of the team’s idea. Your role will be to provide input, guidance and advise on the development of their pitch. This could include specific areas of technology, marketing, finance and launch planning – just to name a few.

Interested Contact us to find out more

[whohit]-Get Involved-[/whohit]
